A Quaggan Asura

By husca on January 18th, 2017
Race: Asura
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Black
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What a lot of people don't realise is that being an Asura is stressfull! You have to invent stuff, be a genius and all that.

I'd much rather be a Quaggan! They got it figured out.. the most beautiful coves in Tyria for a home, having humans, norn, sylvari and even charr do their dirty work while they chill out.

When I was little they always told me I could be anything I wanted to be. With that in the back of my mind I started studying and seeking out Quaggan. I found a group that will take me in now! My legacy will be the first Asura that became a Quaggan!

Sorry for my English, not my first language. Anyway this is my Quaggan Asura!


Fashion Guru
It's cute and funny. I love it :)
2017-01-18 13:33

Elessar Taralom
Aw, that´s a really cute idea, well done! ^^
The screens are absolutely adorable and the guild emblem is a nice touch
2017-01-18 14:13

Aww the idea is so cute!
This is the first time im actually convinced of using this headpiece!
Great screens to showcase your idea, Gold from me :D
2017-01-18 14:20

Fashion Guru
Very cute and well thought out. The guild emblem makes it! Would be nice if you could include your armour/dye choices (because I'm nosy that way) but a gold regardless.
2017-01-19 8:22

Thanks all! Everyone is so friendly here
2017-01-19 9:34

Fashion Guru
I'll give you gold cause I love quaggas and he's really cute
2017-01-20 11:42

Thank you! (It's a girl though, haha :P)
2017-01-21 12:40 in reply to wipalmi032