Shakespore - Bard of the Bloodstone

By Shakespore on October 6th, 2016
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Male
Armor: Heavy
Color: Red
Vote Breakdown
1 0
1 0
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Spent some time in Bloodstone Fen


Elessar Taralom
Seeing this is your first uploads, some general tips:
You can specify your armour, weapons and dyes under your look and it is highly advised to do so
Presentation does matter, so if you care at all about your ratings you should definitely add a little more description and screens
Most importantly: a screen from the character login screen; with the pose and the lighting on your sole screen it´s a little hard to rate him properly
As it stands now I could barely give you bronze, but if you should decide to do a little rework I´d like to give you a better vote, because what I see right now seems promising ^^
2016-10-07 8:06

2016-10-10 11:09