The fractal guard

By Midgeticus Lupicus on September 4th, 2016
Race: Charr
Gender: Female
Armor: Heavy
Color: Multi
Vote Breakdown
0 1
1 1
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Pretty basic shiny look for a female charrdian :)


2 Screens from the exact same Location.
1 sentence for description.
No specification of dyes and armor, weapons etc.
And its still an Outfit.
Even your own description says it "pretty Basic".
I dont want to be rude, but with this low effort in presentation, why do you even bother uploading an Outfit?
The only Thing i can appreciate is the dye-job, but the rest falls very flat.
Sorry but you should put a bit more time in your upload.
2016-09-07 8:13

Midgeticus Lupicus
Pretty new to the site. Thought I'd post my character with whatever she's wearing. Starting to see that screenshotting is half the job. Will put more effort in in the future. Can you tell me what the symbols in the vote thing stands for?
2016-09-08 6:22

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