

Joined: January 5th, 2016
Server: Devona's Rest


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I was deep into ArcheAge before Guild Wars 2, where I made my fortune as an interior designer for people's in-game properties, and as a well-trusted real estate agent. I have a love for design, and with the interior decor mechanics being very poor in gw2, I have moved on to character design! It's been a lot of fun so far! My main character in every game is always a dark beauty with purple hair. That's Gyorg. In gw2, I go by Lady Gyorg, and Mesmer Queen in the North is the look I've created for my gw2 version of Gyorg. Please check it out sometime! Thank you to all who can offer advice and comment on my looks as I jump into this underground realm of gw2, where people care about beauty as much as power. Norn at heart with a mug in hand, I raise it to you, good friends! Cheers!