Wounded Sylvari Mesmer

By 7he ODdeST_1 on October 31st, 2015
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Purple
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This is my Sylvari Mesmer (Oddeist Virn). Like most of my characters she has a backstory that informs her overall look, which you can read below if it pleases you:

Oddeist Virn was once a headstrong young Sylvari who went out into the world overestimating her abilities. While roaming in Queensdale she ran across some bandits assaulting a ranch and engaged them in combat. While she started well the bandits kept coming in greater numbers and eventually one managed to bring their sword down right across her face, splitting it open. Unbeknownst to the bandits however, the wound exposed the subtle glow all Sylvari have and with no skin to diffuse it, it was subtle no longer. While the bandits shielded their eyes, Oddeist fled and managed to reach help at Alter Brook Trading Post. This incident changed her outlook on life; she became more reserved and thoughtful, and made a point of ensuring all further Sylvari newborns saw the results of her carelessness first hand. That is of course, until the dragons appeared...

My primary goal with this character was to make a more clothed and less "conventionally" attractive female Mesmer, since the unspoken trend I often saw was for magical sparkle strippers which I was starting to grow tired of...

And hey, I ain't judgin' you do you, an' I'll do me, and we'll get along fine that way :D