Xuehong Xiu

By Gloomey on August 26th, 2014
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Armor: Medium
Color: Blue
Vote Breakdown
7 17
5 1
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My first engineer in GW2
I loved the idea of a porcelain like skin and make more like a doll and not a real human^^


Fashion Collector
I have to be honest, not often have I seen this armour in use and liked it. This has to be the first! The teal dye actually works really well with the Steel combination, and you chose a nice background too - didn't drown out the armour despite similarity with colour tones.

I'm not sure if you achieved "doll" in the traditional sense, but most certainly achieved the "steampunk doll" award!!
2015-02-26 16:37

Fashion Guru
Not too big fan of that hair, but the rest... wow! Good job!
2015-03-19 15:43

Boom! GOLD! This is awesome!
2015-05-08 15:38