Primal Warlord

By Frontliner on December 3rd, 2022
Race: Norn
Gender: Male
Armor: Heavy
Color: Black
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Heavy Armor Transmog for Norns with many diverse pieces, looking to embrace the ultimate warrior spirit!

Armor Specifics:
- Head: Berserker's Helm
- Shoulders: Triumphant Hero's Pauldrons
- Chest: Dolyak Mail
- Hands: Dragonhunter's Gauntlet
- Legs: Stag Chausses
- Feet: Primeval Warboots
- Back: Prize of the Boneskinner
- Weapon: Decimator

*I used 'Tarnished Silver' Dye for the bone-structures on this armor, since it fits really well.*


This one is so good !
2022-12-03 7:04