Lore-friendly Norn Berserker

By FlyingDutchfrog on October 4th, 2022
Race: Norn
Gender: Female
Armor: Heavy
Color: Brown
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Aiming for a norse shieldmaiden look. Lightly dressed as the norn do.
Grab two axes and the berserker specialization and you're good to go.

Armor specification doesn't work currently for some reason so here goes:
Head: Heavy Monastary Headband (Pottery, Stone)
Shoulders: Barbaric Pauldrons (Charcoal, Pottery, Summer Sky)
Chest: Eagle Mail (Charcoal, Pottery)
Hands: Heritage Gauntlets (Pottery, Summer Sky, Charcoal, Summer Sky)
Legs: Stag Chausses (Charcoal, Pottery, Summer Sky)
Feet: Vigil's Honor Greaves (Pottery, Charcoal, Summer Sky)

Axes (2x): Legionnaire Axe


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