Willow's Wasp Queen

By ThyWeepingWillow on December 15th, 2021
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Female
Armor: Medium
Color: Yellow
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Hey hey!

When these wings came out i instantly thought of one thing: wasps. When i did test the dyechannels it seemed like a fun idea to make a look around it.

I did choose a skin effect on my chara that made me think of a hive, and tried to make the sylvari armor work with the bear leggings. I got to say it was a bit of searching for good dyes, since sylvari armor affects the dyes quite differently than cloth armor does. All and all i am pretty happy with the look!

Armor pieces: + Dyes:
evergreen helmet
Firstborn chest
bear ceremonial leggings
stylish shoes
Venombite wings

Shadow abyss, imperial gold, limonite, Aureus, Abyssal ridge and shadow red

Discuss this look on Reddit at GuildWarsDyeJob!


I absolutely love the legs with the pattern and that you found a way to show them off.
The dyes on the wings do make them look almost destroyer-like with the textured black, orange, yellow and red.
2021-12-16 4:17

I have looked at your characters and this is strongest look. I'm not a fan of culture armor pieces, but I like how you used the modern shoes, bear leg dress. It looks very interesting. Your pictures are a bit too artistic for my taste and I miss here character view from behind/side, in motion. Would also be interesting to see what weapons you use.... Other than that, I think your idea is very good and you earned my gold :)
2021-12-17 6:49

hey hey thank you alot! might add some extra pics soonish :D
2021-12-31 12:32 in reply to ieva

awh ty a lot! :D and yeah it does look similair to destroyer wings haha :D
2021-12-31 12:32 in reply to Gewreid

It's awesome! Color palette is on point and I'd run this myself if I had another slot for a sylvari!
2022-01-10 6:31

Dayum, this fashion looks on a pro level! Well done, love the looks :D
2022-01-21 11:07

thank you
2022-06-04 12:38 in reply to criticalories

thanks a lot!
2022-06-04 12:38 in reply to manemaan