Willow's Galaxy Fae

By ThyWeepingWillow on December 13th, 2021
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Multi
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I did create this character with the idea in mind to make a decent looking character using infusions. Usually i am not so much into skin changing infusions, so it was a bit of a challenge for me to make something i would actually like.

I had 3 looks in mind while testing stuff. Either wanted an icey look, a jade look or a galaxy look.

First i tried snow diamond and winters heart, then celestial with wintersheart, then i decided to buy the poly black/ teal/ orange/ green just to mix and try out some stuff.

Then i found that the black poly and the celestial gave a really nice effect together! It looked like a starry sky.

Only now the next thing, how to make the armor not look like a wierd / flat black. Nicely enough, with the purple poly infusion,you are able to let the armor stay its original colour with a purple outline. This outline did also fit perfectly with the celestial infusion's outline.

Armor wisely, she is quite simple, but i liked the combination and the wings to give her really this fae like look.

Hope you likes :D

Feathered Headpiece
Snapdragon chestpiece
Apprentice pants
Snapdragon boots
Sylph Wings

Discuss this look on Reddit at GuildWarsDyeJob!


Usually i'm , just like you, not the biggest fan of overly shiny infusions but you achieved what you set out to do and built a look around one of them.
I quite like how you describe the process how you went along with it as well.
2021-12-14 4:59

thank you a lots! and same here yeah, although i love vibrant colours, everything needs to have some sort of balance for me, same for using infusions haha. Thanks a lot again :D
2021-12-15 7:22 in reply to Gewreid