The LUCKY CHARMS - a Chimney Sweep

By ieva on December 8th, 2020
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Black
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I am young, petite - and I climb on people's roofs. But most people like to put up with that, after all I'm on the road on behalf of happiness.
The highlight for me: Up on the roof, sweeping the chimney and looking over villages and fields, that's what I like best about my work. Even if it is mostly winter, because less sweeping is done in summer.
It looks as if I have found a job that I enjoy and for which I don't have to get up too early in the morning. (When I was a child, adults used to say that I shouldn't make things up all the time, and they warned me what could happen to me if I did. However, as far as I can tell so far, the consequences are quite bearable: many trips to foreign countries and I don't have to get up too early in the morning).

_____________________How does the chimney sweep get his good reputation as a lucky charms?
An explanation that is easier to understand for modern people is provided by the activities of chimney sweeps. By sweeping and cleaning the chimneys and flues, fires could be prevented. Glowing ashes could fall from badly cleaned chimneys, which could set fire and destroy not only individual houses, but also whole districts. But also burning chimneys - with the same dangerous effects - were prevented by the chimney sweep. The chimney sweep also helped to prevent poisoning from badly draughty chimneys. That means pure luck! In the course of time, it had also become common practice that the chimney sweep brought his bill into the house at the end of the year. And of course he took this opportunity to express his good wishes for the New Year.
...this is another one of my crazy ideas :)
At the turn of the year, you can buy them at any supermarket checkout, stand at the baker's as a marzipan figure or stick them in small clover flower pots made of plastic. We are talking about one of the most famous lucky charms: the chimney sweep.
The Merciless Skins were cheap and my fantasy played a trick again - staff, sceptre and focus skins tempted me to create a stylised chimney sweep.
Have fun with it

============== Apparently the page still doesn't work properly, can't use colors / armor parts tool at the moment========================
Armor Dye:
Weapons: Merciless Skins


No normal person comes up with such ideas. This is madness ;))
2020-12-09 13:57

...a little bit maybe xD
2020-12-10 18:21 in reply to Frans

Amazingly creative concept and flawless execution.
Simple, unique, and everything fits so well together.
2021-02-15 15:48

thank you for kind comment :)
2021-02-15 19:36 in reply to Gewreid

Wanderer's beautiful! Every thing fits together and the dyes as well. Great work! Could you kindly tell me what chest piece that is? I seen it before but I forget the name of it.
2021-05-13 8:42

thanks for compliments...
This is Luminous Light Vest Skin (from Anniversary Armor Pack)
2021-05-13 11:20 in reply to aelita

Well done !
2023-07-06 9:22

nice, thank you!
2023-07-06 17:16 in reply to Eksel