
By Azarem on July 3rd, 2017
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Armor: Medium
Color: Black
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So i decided to give my main, Helena, a make-over the moment i finished her condi equipment. Her look ain't finish yet because i'm still waiting for her 4th birthday so i can get the dye i want and i hope that the magnus eye patch makes a come back on the gem store.


Fashion Guru
Hey I like this! The armour combo is great and I really like the coat. I also agree the eye-patch will work very well when you can buy it. Not 100% convinced by the shoulders but they still work okay here and they are a very nice skin. Screens are what is letting you down here for my vote. You have a piratey/marauder type character and you take screens in the fancy upper city gardens? Silver, though I'd love to see you present this again when you finish the look in areas that make more sense :)
2017-07-03 13:01

Elessar Taralom
I actually really like this "bird of prey" vibe I am getting from the look, so personally I wouldn´t even use the eyepatch
With a different haircut and maybe different boots (something clawlike comes to mind) that could make a super interesting look!
The screenshot areas are a little dull and don´t really benefit the look, so it feels a little disconnected rn
The armour and the dyes are really cool and I see some great potential overall, it´s a silver for me rn, but I´d be interested in seeing a more polished version of this in the future! :)
2017-07-04 8:42

Fashion Guru
I like the armor combination and the dyes.
The legendary bow doesn't fit the armor style imo.
And I too think you could work more on your screens.
Still I really like the armor, so gold from me.
2017-07-05 6:30

Thank you for the comments everyone! Yeah i really need to work on my screenies more. Will definitely post the updated version once i'm finished with it :)
2017-07-07 6:26