Statics Guardian

By Knightsy on June 27th, 2017
Race: Asura
Gender: Female
Armor: Heavy
Color: White
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“(…) I must express my mild astonishment at this. Statics students such as yourself, usually aren’t attracted towards this particular field of Eternal Alchemy, but on the other hand, I must profess that they normally don’t excel at channeling magic to assist them in delivering blunt force trauma either. To paraphrase, your magically enhanced display has shown me that you possess certain potential I can most certainly help to realize… to officially further the research of Eternal Alchemy of course.
P.S Fear not for the lab assistant injured during your demo, I’ve got spare ones around.”

- Firepower Extraordinaire Bronk (extract from Revii’s tutelage acceptance letter)

Hello again!

With this look I decided to go for a practical yet thematic look, suitable for a conservatively minded Statics student on the front line. Primeval Heavy Chest & Legs in metallic whites with gold additions made for a solid, armored base with good color range (especially within metallic colors). As for Arms, Feet and Shoulders, Inquest armor allowed the set to retain a sense of racial identity whilst bringing in that runic theme which flows well with Primeval.

Unfortunately, I’m yet to find a suitable helmet that clicks with the look to me, so as such I’m using Inquest’s one as a placeholder (whenever I actually put the helmet on that is).

Regarding Weapons, Gallant weapons were my go-to for basically all primaries, and find that Guild Tower shield not only compliments them extremely well, but also looks great on the back of an Asura.

As always, all critique's welcome.


Im Jelqing
Could you of picked a different location, DR and Rata Sum are too generic for Asuras. The gloves are trash other than that cute Asura..I'll give it a gold.
2017-06-27 10:52

She is cute, I like that you used those weapons, however I don't know their names.
Maybe this is not the most unique look as you are only using two armor sets but I like it :)
2017-06-27 12:32

Jelqing - Fair point on locations. If you look at my previous looks you'll see its a bit of a running theme for me to go to more or less racial locations. Thanks for feedback ^^

Migg - Thanks!, The skins are from Gallant Weapon Set, which floats about trading post for a pretty hefty price these days! (I bought them when they were considerably cheaper). Thanks for your comment ^^
2017-06-28 1:58

Skyr Dreymi
Very cute! She looks so cheecky, I bet it's a lot fun to spend time with her.
You didn't combine a lot of different armour, still it harmonises and that's what counts.
2017-07-01 5:05