Balthazar´s Loyal Champion

By Jestersan on November 26th, 2016
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Armor: Heavy
Color: Black
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I started as a simple seraph of Divinity´s Reach. Patrol the districts and the markets, was a easy job, no real threats maybe a thief, maybe a thug, or a drunk man starting a fight, but was ok nothing that i cant handle. But that day...oh god that day... i had never fougth in a real battle but the seraphs in Arathi Hinterlands needed reinforcements against the centaurs, i had not luck in the raffle and was one of the choosen. First Battle, First hour, first down: Me. A lost arrow hit me straigt in the stomach. When i was bleeding on the ground i saw Balthazar coming and killing some centaurs who were nearby and pointing me where i can hide, i obeyed and some healers found me and took me to the camp. Nobody remember that just me, everyboy said that was an ilussion from the blood lost. I did not care of what they say, and since then i consecrated my life to Balthazar in the best way to devote him, training and being in the first lane on the wars.


I tryed to make a Guardian who dont looks to shiny, more like a commander who likes to be seen in combat and raise the morale. Not to bulky but not a lightweight.


i like the dye combinations! i've tried this armor set before it looks really neat. Great job!
2016-11-27 23:32

Wow! Thanks! I wasnt very convinced with this, but i am happy to see that is not that bad.
2016-12-02 12:47