Rexa Blutklinge - Fractured Thief

By Faemar 9463 on April 26th, 2016
Race: Charr
Gender: Male
Armor: Medium
Color: Blue
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I would like to share my charr thief, Rexa Blutklinge with you guys. I hope you like it. I am not quite sure about the backpack. What do you think how would Ad Infinitum fit the look? Any other suggestions colorwise or armorwise are welcome :)


Pale Reaver Poppy
Nice armor combo and screens! But why a blye dye?
Something dark would fit better.
2016-04-26 16:56

Pale Reaver Poppy
But anyways, gold!
2016-04-26 16:56

Faemar 9463
I tried to fit the color scheme of those bluish fractal weapons. Thats why i used Glacial Sky.
2016-04-27 1:59

Aren't the fractal weapons more like light violett, white and grey? Can't find any blue in there, but everybody sees colors a bit different, so maybe it's just me :)
I like the dyes overall. I have a character with a quiet similar dye-scheme.
The armor mix looks pretty cool.
Just as mentioned the weapons do not really fit imo ;)
Silver from me.
2016-04-27 5:05

Seems like you're going for a fractal look. The sprectrum then would have to be the blue color spectrum. Dyes I'd suggest would be Electro Blue/Glint's Sanctuary (depending on the material of each individual armor piece, since electro blue can be too intense) or equivalents for the blue tones, Deep Lilac/Mountain Sky/Pastel Violet/Blacklight to play with the purple tones (again, mostly depending on the armor materials) and you could eventually play with white tones. The thing here is, you can't forget about your character's fur colors. If you use Ad Infinitum, there's a strong effect involving purple tones, so the purple-ish dyes I suggested should work for the most part, but the backpece itself uses white-blue tones. And maybe try some more screenshots using your skills to show off those beautiful fractal weapon trail effects. Keep up the good work, silver from me :)
2016-04-27 13:41

Trendspotter look at the colors on that and see if they might fit on the leather armor.
Otherwise I really like the armor look it self, it looks really good ^^
2016-04-28 5:59