The Veteran Soldier

By kuroimarzipan on April 15th, 2016
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Armor: Heavy
Color: Blue
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A tall, middle aged and heavily armoured human woman stands at attention. Her long hair is tied back in a no-nonsense ponytail, leaving the scars on her face almost perfectly visible, covered only by a simple blindfold in the fashion most revenants wear. Though she wields only a simple staff, she carries herself with the discipline of an experienced soldier.

Theme song: /watch?v=JWuUd20P7fI

A reupload of one of my first two looks on this site, with some tweaking - I removed the wings and changed the weapons to something a little less costumey and something that stands out a little less - going for something that wouldn't look out of place among the seraph, but still stands out a little bit with the tarnished metal and blue highlights.


I like your concept of an older woman in heavy armor. It's a nice change to all the young and pretty female characters.
Dyes are very natural, I like that too, just the cloth-part of the protector's chausses are a bit to shiny for me. Maybe you could use a slightly darker shade there :)
The armor parts in gerneral look a bit random to me, maybe with a bit work on the dyes, to match the metal-shades, they would fit better together.
Weapons fit very well and overall this is an silver for me :)
2016-04-15 6:37