Freelancer Explorer

By Starlly on February 13th, 2016
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Armor: Heavy
Color: Brown
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Hey, they call me Mulan The Blonde, but don't let my look deceive you. I may sometimes get into trouble, get lost, make the wrong decisions, but I'm the most bravest explorer.


Fashion Collector
I like how you tried to get the explorer theme as a heavy instead of a medium and I think the result is decent.
There are a few things I didn't like much tho:
- The Glasses + Scarf combo. I get that the scarf is pretty common for adventurers but I think I've seen it too much already to find it cool. The same go for the glasses which imo are also a bit out of the overall theme.
- Gloves. While it doesn't look bad (it in fact goes well with the rest of the gear), I'm not a big fan of fingerless gloves. I think I'd take scale gauntlet instead.
- Boots. I think Chain Boots or Worn Chain Graves look better than the chainmail one while staying in the theme. Scale boot is also a option if you change the glove to scale aswell.

And I'm kinda curious about how you took the main screenshot.
2016-02-14 11:44

Thank you for your comment.
It's very hard to find a decent looking shoulders that doesn't look heavy and yes, I know every 3rd person is using the scarf, but it goes well with almost all armor ^.^ I'll check your proposals for gloves and boots.

We were fighting in the guild arena, when I downed and bugged like this ^.^
2016-02-16 2:31 in reply to Jeknar