

Joined: February 27th, 2019
Server: Kaineng


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I used to play GW ( and still play sometime ) and started GW2 since its first release. Here's a list of the characters you'll find : Alizarinna - human berserker ; Alizea De Lazio - human daredevil ; Alizea Ashford - human weaver ; Blanc Soleil - human deadeye ; Barthélémy Ashford - human tempest ; Mhaëll - human spellbreaker ; Vanis Kermach - asura holosmith ; Flora Cherryelixir - charr druid ; Sven Asgrimmson - norn chronomancer ; Thorbjörn - norn reaper ; Rodrigo Faren - human firebrand . Alizarinna is my main and you'll mostly saw her. Human is, as you can notice, my favorite race, following by norns. I don' t like sylvaris and charrs. Asuras are ok but not that much.
