Ana B


Joined: September 20th, 2017
Server: Ruins of Surmia


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I've been playing Guild Wars 2 for little over two years and only very recently I've heard of this website's existence, which I think it's a great space to share our passion about the game we all love and also for GW2's fashion. I've fallen in love for this game and, just like everyone, there are certain things I like about Gw2: one is obviously the fashion side - we all heard about Fashion Wars xD; the other is PvP. A strange combination, many would say ( IKR!) My PvP Guild Leader has told me at some point something between these lines: «Ana, for you is like 20% about PvP skills and 80% about looking good while PvPing, isn't it?». I'm not quite sure if his numbers are accurate, but one thing I can assure: If I'm gonna beat someone in 1vs1 I better be looking goddamn fabulous or if I'm gonna be lying down on the floor after being stomped by someone I better be wearing my very best outfit! As I've mentioned above, only recently I've heard about this website and today (September 20th, 2017) I've decided to create an account to share my ideas with everyone here. I am still a bit rookie when it comes to screenshots and such, mostly because only recently I've bought a gaming laptop on which I can actually take somewhat decent screenshots XD so I apologize in advance if my "screenies" aren't always very good or clear. One last note, English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if sometimes my sentences aren't the most easy ones to understand. ^-^'' I hope Y'all enjoy, ^-^ Ana xoxo