Lellasi - Rot

By Igneous Ray on July 9th, 2015
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Black
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I was messing with the sylvari cultural armor from the bank preview tab and my dye scheme from my Scholar set was giving me weird results. So I just threw on 4x previews of Shadow Abyss to “temporarily” remove the color factor. Turns out, I thought the set looked kind of neat that way, despite its utter lack of color. The boots are the only part not made out of plants, but I found they helped give the style a shot of elegance.

NOTES: Works for necromancer sylvaris representing death. Also works as sort of the plant version of a black dress. Important emphasis on skin and glow color. Fun to watch while running/swimming. High back, chest and leg visibility.

ISSUES: A complete nightmare for dye fanatics.

ABOUT LELLASI: Lellasi is an explorer who takes the disturbing trend of death around her and turns it to her aid. So far, the only sylvari on my account. I usually change her skin to orange on Halloween and white/blue on Wintersday. Best dance animation in the game.

Image #1: With the boots visible.
Image #2: She's dead?
Image #3: Oh. Nevermind.
Image #4: That water was fouled up anyway.
Image #5: Shapely and glowing!
Image #6: More backside.
Image #7: Blame Scarlet.
Image #8: Blame Gnashblade.
Image #9: "SPLASH!"


First Style Supporter
I really enjoyed watching her rise from the dead, very creative.
2015-07-11 1:07

Igneous Ray
Fashion Collector
Hah! I was having a hard time deciding between those two pictures. Eventually I just said, "Whatever, I'll post them both..."

Glad you liked them.
2015-07-12 10:10