Les Grenouilles de Boomba

By Lump on March 17th, 2015
Race: Asura
Gender: Female
Armor: Town Clothes
Color: Black
Vote Breakdown
14 7
11 1
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A couple pic, taken at 4k resolution with 8x AA (overridden with Nvidia Inspector). I don't mean to cheat with a couple picture - just wanted to show off our cuteness.

Shadow Abyss Dye
Electro Lemon Dye
Electro Pink Dye


I Like this, so Cute!
2015-03-17 16:45

funny faces and pants armor :P
2015-03-17 20:13

Sakigami San
Fashion Collector
Ehehe that smile again. He's realy grinning! love the way he looks "at the camera" :3
2015-03-23 19:50

they look so adorable together!!!!
2015-05-15 11:41

Fashion Guru
Your main pic is what inspired me to join and post on Gw2 Style. I had never seen anything so cute and funny on Gw2 before, thank you! The yellow one looks like the neighborhood rascal and the pink one is his moody toddler sidekick haha
2017-01-12 5:36