Vessanya, Sylvari Female ranger

By Zlaxor on January 26th, 2015
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Female
Armor: Medium
Color: Purple
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Hey guys, This is my sylvar female ranger.

I'd like to know what you think of this look and if i should go with whisperblade as my sword ( same transparant one as the axe ) or stay with this one.

Thanks in advance :)


I would stay with the sword you have, it's an awesome sword and adds some variety rather than two transparent ones :D
2015-01-26 13:22

I'd rather go with whisperblade, i think that this sword is cool but it's too different from the axe. Different purple tonality, different shape style... Just my opinion though
2015-01-26 13:55

Fashion Collector
Stay with this one!!!! beautiful
2015-01-27 8:52

Annette Langmar
Fashion Guru
I'm not a fan of non mesmers using ethereal weapons, so I'd say stick with lord tssssskfj's shadow
2015-03-26 10:12