Stealers, Keepers.

By Lorelilly on July 28th, 2014
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Female
Armor: Medium
Color: Blue
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I made a few color adjustments after buying a couple of new dyes. Unfortionately in most of the screenshot area's I've used, the colors on the shoulderpads seem to fade out. Been trying a few different pants, firstborn and viper leggings but they still don't look right. With the midnight sky dye I've been getting a bit more used to the Aetherblade one. Nevertheless you might've guessed; I'm in love with the steampunk feel that aetherblade stuff adds to the look mainly because it's in contrast with the whole plant-sylvari thing ^0^''


It looks very cool, I guess. But the sunglasses really blow it for me :/
I like the mix of sylvari with tech style, thats why I would maybe try something techie as headpiece. Like the aqua-breather headspiece.
2014-07-28 8:35

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2014-07-28 8:51

Fashion Collector
Very Matrix style
2014-07-29 13:33

cannot believe someone can actually mix that armor with other pieces!! a small flaw but easily overlooked
2014-08-07 12:38

Cog Tor
I agree with DioHard
2015-02-10 3:40