Asha Birchbark - Ethereal Elementalist

By sparklybeast on August 29th, 2017
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Blue
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The vast majority of my characters wear darker colours, and styles far less feminine than this, but I wanted a change when I styled Asha using a Makeover kit. The look is built around the hair colour and Nevermore, so far the only legendary I've crafted. I wanted her to look like she had bare feet and this is the closest I can get until the Treasure Mushroom gods favour me. It WILL happen...


BEAUTIFUL! I love the armor, the dyes, all that. And I really appreciate the description and comments you left - you went to great lengths to create this look, why not talk about it, yeah?

I wish the screenshots were in places that did not match the armor colors as much as they do, then the armor would really pop! Other than that little exception, GOLD!

Armor: GOLD. Presentation: SILVER. Overall, GOLD!
2017-08-31 15:12