The Red Herring

By PPoCT on November 25th, 2016
Race: Norn
Gender: Female
Armor: Heavy
Color: Black
Vote Breakdown
1 1
3 0
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A Dark and imposing look with a hint of red.


I kinda like the thought that this look resembles a statue ... some sort of gargoyle if you will ... a stone-statue brought to life by magic ... so the bats from the shoulderpiece are quite fitting here imo. Though a bit more variety in colours would be nice :S
The backpiece doesnt fit at all though imo.
Also, your presentation is quite lackluster. You should provide more screens with nice background and posing. Some further thoughts about your style or a little story in the description would also be appreciated!
So ... generally i like the idea and the potential of this look, but in its current state and especially with its current presentation i fear i cannot rate very high atm :S
2016-11-25 7:42


Thanks for the comment. I made a new look and i'd like your opinion as i tried my best to build on some of your suggestions! (while maintaining own style off course!)
2016-11-29 4:57 in reply to Hylek

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