Raven Mentor Vetkín

By Vetkin on July 15th, 2016
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Armor: Light
Color: White
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A Mist Runner of the Raven's Spirit. Channels his strength through the mists and teaches the way of the Raven to his students in the Dojo of Mentors.

Discuss this look on Reddit at GuildWarsDyeJob!


Fashion Guru
He really looks like a sexy shaman ! I love it, colors are good, I'm missing a screen from character selection though.
Screens are great too, first one is amazing ! That's a gold ;)
2016-07-16 6:54

Fashion Guru
This came together very nicely! And your dye choices are actually pretty complex. Great work! I'm glad the legacy armor gave people like you a chance to do awesome stuff like this.
2016-07-16 14:51

Fashion Guru
This is really awesome dude!. Light armor on males most of the time looks really boring (I haven't get any good idea with my male ele:S ) but this is really good
2016-07-16 19:57

Fashion Guru
Very nice! The colors are great, armor choice is nice...an all-around great look.
2016-07-17 3:06

Fashion Collector
Wow. A sexy and mystic look.
Have a gold :)
2016-07-17 11:31

awesome combination, haven't seen this before!
the dyes are also nice and fitting and his creepy white eyes make this look even more amazing :) gold!
2016-09-13 17:01

I love this whole look! The eyes are an amazing touch too, they make it seem as if he's continuously channeling Raven. Gold from me!
2016-10-11 11:18

It's amazing how you nailed Raven shaman look without using raven shoulders or black dye. Perfect, just like all of your other looks! I'm in love with all of them! :D
2018-02-20 17:57

Fashion Collector
Wow! Thank you so much for your nice comment, glad you like my styles :)
2018-02-21 21:59 in reply to Scheo