Plagued Wanderer

By Matzi on May 3rd, 2016
Race: Asura
Gender: Male
Armor: Medium
Color: Black
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1325 AE. Night of the Mad King

Dense fog encases the night. The night sky is aglow as the moon shines brighter than ever. But tonight, the moon holds an evil grin over Tyria. The Mad King has risen.

A young Asuran child wanders carelessly around the residential area of the Metrica Province. His intuitive little eyes observe a faint lime glow from the center of a field.
Approaching the eerie object he soon comes to realize that its a book.

Dusting off the worn cover the old piece of literature reads "Mad Memoires I" Intrigued by the fact that it was lying in the middle of a field, the young prodigy turns over the cover, and begins to examine the text.

The book spoke sense. It spoke to him what he regarded as the truth. Everything now made sense. He was drawn in and invested in what was the life and mission of the king who was once known as Oswald Thorn.

Growing up the child seemed completely ordinary, but underneath was always a burning desire to understand the workings of the Mad King.

As time went on the now fully developed Asura wandered Tyria, plagued with the unquenchable thirst to have all the Memoires, so that he may finally understand.

Never relenting, his mission continues to this day. With his first volume firmly by his side, his own spiritual doctrine, the Plagued Wanderer stops at nothing.

I've had this character since the release of our beloved game, he's been with me ever since. I wanted to finally give him something worthy to a veteran of Tyria. I was aiming for a dark and shrouded tainted with a bit of dark red, hence my use of Enameled Crimson rather than a brighter alternative.

As a Daredevil that has dangerous intentions I felt it fitting that the armor he wore was light, but still featured some metal and barbs along the armor. It really is amazing to watch in-game and I hope the community can enjoy it as much as I do.

All comments are welcome and I would appreciate if I could get some constructive criticism, teaching me ways to improve is always more than welcome.


All around this looks great.
the lore could have a little more to it. Like for insistence why is an Asura child wandering in a field, in the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere in Metrica. What kind of bad parents does this child have?

the weapon chooses could also use a bit of work as it seems you have just chosen weapons that look cool and don't seem to fit in with the rest of your Asura.

Hope my input helps ^-^
2016-05-04 11:49